What is an Associate?
An Associate is a member of a team who collaborate together to ensure that the examination process of the organisation is as smooth as possible. In this instance, as an Associate Examiner or Associate Helper for NEBDN, you are helping to support us with the delivery of an Objective Structured Clinical Examination, known as the (OSCE) for our Learners. Our OSCEs are delivered online at present and our Associate Examiners and Associate Helpers are still a vital aspect of the examination delivery.
Why do we need Associates?
NEBDN Associates play an important role in supporting the successful delivery of our Dental Nurse OSCE examinations.
The knowledge from our Associates is paramount to ensuring we are providing the most up to date techniques and consistency throughout the delivery of our examinations.
NEBDN rely on Associate Examiners and Associate Helpers throughout the year, which is why our priority is to engage with you and keep you informed. We think it’s important to share with you the value of your work and the positive affects this has on Learners and the successful progression and future of NEBDN.
What positions are available?
To apply or review our Associate positions, click here