Jillian Eastmond

Since qualifying as a Dental Nurse at Manchester Dental Hospital in 1994, Jillian has worked in private and NHS practices as well as Dental Hospitals.
A large part of her career was spent as a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Training Coordinator where she delivered lectures in a variety of subjects ranging from National Diploma and Post-Registration training, as well as CPD to the dental team throughout the UK.
Jillian is an experienced teacher and a subject matter expert with a particular interest in Dental Radiography. Jillian is also a National Diploma Examiner as well as a Trustee for NEBDN. Until recently, Jillian’s role was that of a Deputy Dental Matron and Dental Infection Prevention & Control Link Nurse Practitioner in a large London teaching hospital, currently she is a Deputy Freedom to Speak Up Guardian and a trained Schwartz round facilitator.