Before you get in touch with us, have you checked the below FAQs?

Where can I find exam dates?

You can find details of exam dates on the relevant qualification pages. Alternatively, you can view them below.

2025 Exam Dates

Can I defer my Learner?

For Learners – please speak directly to your Provider to discuss your options.

For Providers – Learners can be deferred by submitting a deferral form on TheHub. The fee for this service varies depending on the timeframe of when the form is submitted. Please refer to the schedule of fees on TheHub for this information. Please also ensure that you are aware if their RoE/RoC is still in date to be eligible to be deferred.

Please note this option is not available to those sitting the NEBDN Apprenticeship. 

What are the exam fees?

For Learners – Provider fees for exams or course tuition will differ pending which Provider you select and the training method chosen. As your contract is with the Provider themselves, they will charge you directly for any exam or administration fees to NEBDN. For a list of Provider fees, please visit their website or visit our Provider Search page.

For Providers – details of our Fees can be found on TheHub.

I can't see my Learner on PebblePad, what do I do?

Please check in the ‘Submissions’ option tab in PebblePad, here you will see the Learners RoEs or RoCs who have submitted work for marking. If you are still unable to view the Learner(s) and you are sure that they have submitted work for marking, please contact and we will look into this for you.

I want to do an NEBDN qualification, what do I do next?

A list of our Providers can be found on our Provider search function by inputting your postcode or searching via qualification. Please visit our Provider Search page.

What does the Apprenticeship assessment look like?

The Apprenticeship is assessed by:

Pre-Gateway Assessments (on-programme assessments):

  • Portfolio of Evidence
  • Knowledge Test

Post-Gateway Assessments:

  • End-Point Assessment (Structured Clinical Assessment)

To achieve the qualification and Apprenticeship, the Learner must pass the above assessments that meet both the on-programme and End-Point Assessment (EPA) requirements of the qualification.

Please note: English and Maths at Level 2 is a requirement for the Apprenticeship, these must also be evidenced at the point of Gateway.  It may be that the Learner has already achieved these prior to commencing their Apprenticeship, or they are undertaking them alongside the Dental Nurse qualification. More information is available on this page

I want to offer the Apprenticeship, what do I do?

If you are interested in working with us and delivering an NEBDN qualification, then you will need to meet our Accreditation Standards. We will guide you through the Accreditation Application process in order to complete the Standards. Further information can be found on our dedicated page here

For a full list of FAQs, please visit our dedicated page here. Alternatively, contact