Who we are
The National Examining Board for Dental Nurses (NEBDN) is a leading provider of qualifications for Dental Nurses in the UK, delivering awards in both pre-registration and post-registration areas. As a registered charity our mission is to deliver a dental workforce to meet the changing oral health needs of the UK population, and to educate those wanting a career in Dentistry.
110+ Provider Delivery Sites
across the UK, combined of accredited professionals offering a wide range of courses. Some have been with us for over 10 years.
5,000+ Learners
sat exams last year for Diploma and Post-Registration qualifications
9 Qualifications
Regulated by Ofqual and the GDC, we are recognised across the industry in National Diploma, Apprenticeship and Post-Registration qualifications.
Latest News
Read about the latest developments and insight for trainee and qualified Dental Nurses and industry professionals. If you would like to write an article for NEBDN please email communications@nebdn.org
BADN Chief Executive Pam Swain awarded an MBE
*The following press release was provided by The British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN) The British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN), the professional association for dental nurses in the UK,…
We have a range of videos created for our Learners. Click below to view.